Emmaus Sheffield is a social enterprise providing home, work and a community for formerly homeless people. Companions may stay at Emmaus for a short time, whilst they gain the training and confidence needed to live independently, others can make Emmaus their lifelong home.

Many companions work in the second-hand furniture shop, the profits of which all go back in to paying for the companions’ homes and food. When the pandemic hit and the shop was forced to close, there were still eighteen companions to house and feed, as well as goats Rodney and Ralph.
Community Leader, Lesley Morgan, has always appreciated the savings FareShare membership has allowed them to divert to other services and said that with the shop having to close during the pandemic, these savings were more important than ever.
“In lockdown FareShare was a lifeline that saved us thousands of pounds.”

Food from FareShare is about more than just eating at Emmaus. Companions take turns to cook dinner for everyone, with each companion having their own speciality. Stu loves to make a Sunday roast with all the trimmings including Yorkshire puddings made from scratch; Lloyd cooks a weekly jerk chicken with rice and beans and Dave is great at using up all the short-dated veg to make delicious soups – just what FareShare is about!
Other companions like Adrian (pictured) may even put to use some of the skills they have learnt on the cooking course at FareShare Yorkshire’s FullCrumb Kitchen.

Companions sit down with Support Worker Emma when the Wednesday FareShare “goodie tray” arrives to create the weekly menu. Emmaus Sheffield now also receive a fortnightly frozen delivery from FareShare; through accessing this provision Stu knows he always has some potatoes and peas on hand, and Lloyd always has chicken to marinade. The frozen provision also includes frozen pies and pizzas, which go down a treat with the companions on weekends when they each have to cook for themselves.
Speaking on the frozen provision, Lesley added:
“We have been really happy with what we have received. Keep up the good work yourselves, you have been truly amazing.”

The frozen provision has been so popular that some less adventurous companions at the Emmaus Leeds site even tried vegan ice cream – and liked it!
Gina, General Manager for Emmaus Leeds said:
“I just wanted to re-iterate that the service and produce we receive from FareShare is always excellent, and the frozen is well worth it.”
If you are a current CFM who is interested in accessing our frozen provision, or a charity/community organisation that is interested in FareShare Yorkshire membership, please get in touch with us at: [email protected]